Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yoko, Jessica, Jessica, Yoko

Something really ridiculous, and I can't believe I'm posting this however entertaining as it may be, Romo may be the new Lennon of the Cowboys. Romo and his team make BEAUTIFUL music together when being left alone, only to be eclipsed by the best team in the NFL - I'll liken them to the Rolling Stones or something British like Fish 'n Chips. But as the 'Boys season goes on, and Romo gets more popular - he's beginning to attract many girls, maybe the japanese, artsy, communist supporting types. But for right now he's sticking to the American, Blonde, Pop star, politic-deficient types. However could the Eagles be their "Catcher in the Rye"-obsessed stalker? Carrie Underwood attended last years Eagles game only to see the 'Boys lose at the hands of Eagles. Crazy coincidence this year, as Jessica Simpson came to the games to again...watch the 'Boys demise. Now, it's offensive to compare either of these girls to Yoko, but in the same breath it's pretty offensive to compare Yoko to these girls. Damn double edged swords. Brother Romo, fuck chicks dude, just dance