Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Homecoming 2008: Tailgating Changes

In an effort to keep the Homecoming crowd from trying to sprint a marathon the University has changed some of their tailgating rules for this weekend. Below is the new schedule and policy update that was released earlier today.

Quoted directly from the Arizona Athletics website.

1:00 p.m. Tailgate parking/loading on Eastbound University off of Cherry. Alcohol cannot be consumed until 2:00 p.m.

2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Cherry Ave will be closed to all traffic in preparation for the Homecoming Parade. (No tailgaters will be allowed to enter the Tailgating grounds under any circumstances during this time). There is no tailgate line during this time.

3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Homecoming Parade

4:45 – 5:30 p.m. Tailgaters with valid permits only may enter the tailgating grounds.

7:15 p.m. Kick-off

We will continue to enforce the rules about waiting for another tailgater to park next to you as well as requesting certain spots. It is a first-come first serve pass and you will be parked based on the order you arrive. Regardless of when your vehicle is parked on the tailgate grounds, alcohol consumption may not begin until 2:00 pm.

No one that I talked to had heard about this yet, and granted it was released today but thought this might help get the word out some.

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Also, we want any pictures and videos from the weekend that you guys want to send our way. So drop us a line.